Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Photo Booth

Josh downloaded more effects for photo booth and they are REALLY fun! Here are some of them:

This one is called Tracer
This one's Phycotic
Lime Screen
haha! Gorille.
I decided to do one decent one... This effect is called film stock.
City Lights
Fire Drips

Film Stock again.

Oh I have fun with this thing!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mutual with Megan

I recently went to mutual with Megan and I had a lot of fun! There was bubble gum there and me and Megan's friend Gabby had 5 bumballs and we went crazy with blowing bubbles!!! It was awesome!!!
The bubbles got pretty big!!!
My jaw was killing me!
Megan caught this right when it popped!!! :D

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Yea I know what your going to say, "Wasn't this like five months ago?" Well.... Yes, yes it was. But I have a good explanation... I lost my camera without downloading my memory card, and I just recently found it. So let me begin to tell you my marvelous journey at the world's happiest place on earth! The reason we're going to Disneyland in the first place is, we went on a
field-trip.. Yes a field-trip to Disneyland! That just goes to show you how cool homeschooling is! Anyways, we got in the car and the car ride up was too boring so Callen and I played a little game. It's called, "Aunt Natty is trying to take a picture of you so please stop moving!" But lo and behold, I got a few good ones,

Here's a picture of a future model... Yes Rachel, a model!
No matter how much you don't like to admit it, this boy
is gonna be a chic-magnet when he grows up!
He is SO dang cute!!!(Sorry... There are going to be a few
sideways pictures in this post. I haven't learned how to
avoid that quite yet.)
So when we get there, we do the whole school part of it.
(We went on rides for homework) And when we finished
we had some lunch and I took the kiddles to the park next
to the lunch area. Of course Callen was my main photography
But Lexie wouldn't let that happen. A girls' got to be in
the spotlight every once in a while.
One of my favorite pictures!
After so much "Homework" megan and I had to take a break!
So we went to the nearest shop and took funny pics. I wanted
that hat so bad!
When it comes to stuft animal mickeys megan just can't
hold back her joy.
I took it away from her... Bed decision!
I didn't buy a sucker this time cause you know how that goes,
You find it once-licked in the corner of your bedroom a year
Did I ever mention, Megan likes pigs... A LOT!
Space Mountain! One of my favorites!
See what I'm doing? My art teacher Kara taught me that! ;)
Lirenza and I decided to skip the second round of California
Screamin' and play with Megan on King Triton's Carousel.
I made a new friend!
Megan made a friend too! We were having a lot of fun, but
I'm a little afraid when rides don't have proper seat-belts so...
I was a little scared.
Here's a video of us on the carousel:
We had great times on splash mountain, unfortunately I
couldn't find any pictures of us and our little friend we met
on the ride. :D
Splash Mountain is a whole lot of fun, but you have to pay
a price, mine was a very wet seat!
After a big day like that.. You can't expect us to look good!
Me and my best friend Pablo had a great time as well.
After a long day at Disneyland, we were glad to wind down
and let our feet take a rest. "You may forget a trip to the park,
a song on the radio, or even what you ate this morning, but what
happens at Disneyland, will stay with you forever." -Natalie

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Genealogy message boards - Free genealogy

Just Playing Around

First I photoshopped this and then Picasa. Her eyes are CRAZY!!!
Didn't take this, found it on google and then fixed it up on Picasa
Photoshopped the eyes then Picasa. She's my favorite teen singer!!!

Me, being me. (Picasa)
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Friday, January 8, 2010

Me and My Goofball Friends!

One thing I love doing with my friends is, taking funny pictures on Photo booth!

Look how attractive we are!

Aww... How cute?

Well... That cute moment's gone!

From left: Kraig Kevin, Taylor, David and Me. We are lookin' good!

Me and Lizzy Ahlstrom.

Me and Marianne. We are so lovely!

Well! Now you know how much I LOVE photo booth, and my goofball friends!